Here at Smile Style we have a direct connection with Haiti. One of our patients works for the United Nations and was there when the earthquake struck. Fortunately he was not injured and he is now part of the international emergency rescue team. We have heard from his wife that he is under an unimaginable stress, recovering crushed bodies and has seen some terrible sights.
As one of the ways we are helping we have set up an appeal for new patients. How does that work I hear you say. For every new patient we see in February we will be donating £5 to the Haiti Disater Fund.
By following this link you can download a Half Price Voucher saving £40 off New Patient Assessment. Haiti Appeal
Please make use of this voucher and we promise to donate £5 to the Haiti Disaster Fund. Print it off as many times as you want and invite friends and family to join Smile Style.
Thank you for your support
Richard Stafford's Pain Free Life Transformational Dentist - Veneers, Whitening, Straight Teeth,Smile makeovers, White resin and ceramic fillings, Preventative care, Dental implants, Invisible braces, BDA Good Practice Scheme